Dietary changes with an ostomy

We just got finished with the holidays in my family and boy was that a fun time.  I love all the family time we get to spend even though this year we spent a ton of it on Zoom calls thanks to COVID-19.  But there were still some fun gatherings and amazing food.  With all the kinds of food that are under the sun, it’s no wonder some foods are good for you, and that some are bad. It’s no wonder that some make you feel good and some make you feel terrible. It’s no wonder that some boost your metabolism and some kill your metabolism. When it comes to also eating with an ostomy you have to be pretty careful on how you go about dining in the holidays. 

Back in the day all foods were on the table and anything was a go during the Christmas and Thanksgiving seasons.  For me, I never really had a problem worrying too much about which foods were going to make me feel good or which foods were going to give me some problems. I just ate whenever and whatever I wanted to. That is until I had to have an ostomy care procedure done. Now I have to really watch what I am eating and be wise about the quantity of certain things.  But it is all good and the more knowledge I gain the better the holidays are for me. 

It used to be different, I didn’t have to worry about which foods would adversely affect me. I never even knew what “heartburn” was because I had never experienced it. I didn’t know what acid reflux was because I had never experienced it. Of course I had the occasional upset stomach after eating various foods, but I couldn’t pinpoint the actual source of the upset stomach. 

Now I am learning day by day.  Honestly, it seemed to be random. I could eat one thing and have an upset stomach one day. I could eat the very same thing the next week and not have an upset stomach. There was no rhyme or reason behind it. Now, however, having to deal with post-ostomy life, I know exactly what foods I can and can’t (actually “shouldn’t”) have. 

There are many different ostomy supplies that help with the stool process, but some foods fill my bag up way too fast and that can sometimes cause a mess. I am in constant search of supplies that can withstand even the worst foods I could consume (not that I make it an emphasis to try to eat the worst foods possible). I just want to know the ostomy care and the supplies I have purchased and am using will stand the test of the unwanted bowel movements. 

Changing how I cook and eat is now part of it.  With all that said, my cooking habits have drastically changed because of what I now know is better for me considering my circumstances. I love food. I love tasting new foods. I love understanding why certain foods are good for me and why other foods are bad for me. I love the human body and how it was made to run off of specific types of foods and how other foods are harmful to the body. So be wise and careful about what you eat. 

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